The online racing simulator
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mr grady
S2 licensed

great idea, very similar to what the nascar2003 game used for online racing.

i put it in another thread somewhere.

basically, if you drove like a moron you never got a decent score, 1 being lowest, 10 highest.

most decent drivers were around the 4-6 mark, so when you joined a server and it said only drivers over 3 could join, and you were a 1 because you wrecked, you didnt race!

hope you idea works out.
old M FF
mr grady
S2 licensed
im using an old Microsoft FF with a serail port connection.

even if i select FF in the game i dont get anything.

two questions...

1.can i get FF out of this old thing?

2.will it improve driving or am i better leaving it as it is?

i have a certain amount of resistence, as apposed to a totally slack action.
give and take
mr grady
S2 licensed
ive had enough for now of the public servers.

there seems to be one good race for every ten or twenty.

why do people drive like madmen and try to pass at T1?

city seems to be the worst one for this. I was racing in a ten lap race and every time there would be a pileup.

also, the sensible drivers who hold their line and take the corners right are muscled out of the way by idiots taking the totally wrong line then using the poor guy as a buffer.

i had this happen to me today on the last sweeping right hander on city. the other guy was as far to the left as he could be and yet believed he had done nothing wrong. do you normally take that line through that corner? i think not. for once i held my line, and lo and behold we touched, race over.
he was faster than me, and we had plenty of laps, so why do it?

i would rarther come last in a league race and have clean fair sensible racing then compete with fools who have a one or two lap mentallity.

sorry about the rant.

mr grady
S2 licensed
i was gobsmacked to hear they won.

but fair play to them, i think they are great.

i love rock, and groups with a great image. kiss are my all time favorite band, amazing live shows, killer songs and thats why they are still rocking today, 30 years on.

now where did i put those bat wings? :headbang: :bat: :bannana_g :rock_band
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mr grady
S2 licensed
sorry if im repeating what anyone else has suggested............

the Nascar racing sims had a kind of points system:

you raced with a skill level, from 0 - 10

everyone started at 0 and gained a level by how the finished in a race.

if you finished ahead of a driver 2 or more skill levels higher you were awarded 5 points, you lost 5 points if you finished below a driver 2 skill levels lower. there was more to it than just that............i just cant be arsed to type it all out!!!

the game averaged your 8 best point total of the last 10 races you did, the lowest results being dropped.

gradually you built up a skill level, noobs and wreckers rearly getting above 1 or 2, where as skilled fair racers averaged a skill level of 4,5 or 6.

my point being, when a server was started, the host could choose what skill level to set, say a server with a skill level of 3 or more meant drivers with a skill level of only 1 or 2 couldnt join.

i know it sounds complicated, but it did work.

anyway, thats my pennyworths.

mr grady
S2 licensed
:nol2: LMAO!!
mr grady
S2 licensed
Im with you becky.

im in awe of schumi's driving skills, but, and it is a big but, i cant handle his win at all cost approach to racing.

1. he took out hill to win the 94 title.

2. he tried to take out JV in his attempt at the 97 title

3. he took out mika when they drove in F3 or 3000, in the same situation as above, being 1 point ahead, so thinks he can afford to long as his rival does too.

4. he always has his teammate working for him, so thats one less car to race against for him, and its as equal a car as he will find in the field.

personally i feel ferrari get away with too much.
and i put my money where my mouth is because i was a huge BAR fan til they were caught cheating at imaola in 2005. i sold all my BAR clothing on ebay!
mr grady
S2 licensed
hope you mend soon

BTW, a gallon is eight pints.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Well done!!

im so

mr grady
S2 licensed
SS should have realised that he is one of the new boys in F1, and he has yet to prove himself.
all he did was show himself up.
and yes, DC can be a bit "squeaky clean", but he is a real nice guy and a very successful driver.(but anyone remember him giving schumacher the finger?) naughty david!!!!!!!!!
mr grady
S2 licensed
Spurs, that is just beautiful...............

bless you

mr grady
S2 licensed
Hi spurs, your renders are awesome.

would you mind doing one for me?

i know someone who works for Janspeed (a local sports exhaust company)

he would be chuffed to see his firms name on a LFS car.

many thanks.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Tristancliffe wrote: I know it was technically wrong, but this particular chap is not very nice, so I'm not very nice back. I din't wreck him - his own inability to lap safely led to his accident.

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mr grady
S2 licensed
Hi, im a sim-dad, im 38 and my daughter is 11.

she used to "play" GP2 and 3 when younger. actually, i set it to no-players and she "drove" the car round loving it. since then she has discovered the playstation and doesnt go on the PC much, except for Habbo Hotel.
One of my good stories is a mate from work phoned and my wife said i couldnt come to the phone as i was racing. thats from my old Nas2003 days in the ERCO league.
mr grady
S2 licensed
I know this isnt really about Fisi's comments, but..............

did anyone else catch on the news or during the race, two drivers knocking seven shades of cr*p out of each other a few days ago?

it may have been nascar, im not sure, but they were really going for it!

it took about half a dozen guys to break it up.

gentlemen racers? i think not!!!!!
mr grady
S2 licensed
I used to enjoy Montoya's colourful language in interviews.

he would always be "p*ssed off" about this or that!

cut to Frank Williams in the pits..............though i think Head didnt mind it!
mr grady
S2 licensed
Is this Schuey taking aim at another car?

sorry, couldnt resist that one!
mr grady
S2 licensed
Ive had an incidents, driving while at work.

for my sins i work for royal mail, and when i was on a rural delivery i used a ford escort diesel van. One of my calls was a farm miles a long a track at the top of a very steep hill. One morning it was very cold and frosty and at the bottom of this hill was a very sharp left hand bend. As i drove up it the van skidded on some ice, but it was ok...i carried on up the hill and delivered the mail. Remembering the icey corner, i was expecting a bit of a slide, so i booted the van into the bend, for a laugh, but it span like a b***ard. I oversteered to correct it and it span 180', hitting the verge square on. this was enough to make the van tip over onto its side. Inside it was manic! letters, packets and my food going everywhere!
I managed to get out and realised that if i had travelled a few feet further down the road i would have gone onto a steep bank and the van would have rolled right over several times!

it was both funny and scary, but no real harm done.
mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote :The most important option i want to see i a mandantory cockpit view option!

I agree 100%

Some folks want to have their cake and eat it. They buy a racing "sim" because they want realism, but drive as if their head is between the front wheels or they are several feet above the back of the car!illepall

Im also with ModenaF1 on the topic of Tc and driver aids. There should be an option to turn these off if a private server requires it.

rant over, have a nice day!
mr grady
S2 licensed
Thankyou all for your comments and advice.

much appreciated.
mr grady
S2 licensed
I hope i dont come across as some complete newb here (no offence meant to the new guys), ive been using race sims for several years now.

watching other people drive, they always seem to be able to brake much, much later.

usually i aim for the 100m marker, it does vary on what car you are using..... but some manage much later..........does it help if you keep a bit of throttle on? is it caines (spelling?) breaking....or some other technique?

im using an older MS sidewinder wheel (game port) and there isnt any software with it to make any adjustments.

i really enjoy the racing, but trying to leave the braking that little bit later usually means a very frustrating lockup into the kitty litter!

any advice will be most gratefully accepted!
mr grady
S2 licensed
i wouldn't let that put you off............

you cant drive any worse!
monday night fun race
mr grady
S2 licensed
i shall be hosting a fun/endurance race on monday night.

it is 45 laps on aston national driving the Fox.

qualy begins at 19:15 GMT

race begins at 19:30 GMT

i can host for a dozen, so its first come first served.

i will email the password a day before, so i will need people to PM me with an email address.

i dont care how fast or slow you are, just that you race clean and fair.

if any one is up for this, please use this thread and PM me.


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mr grady
S2 licensed
Quote :team orders are fair enough but from his point of view imagine what it must have felt like, you were the fastest car left on the track and can see your first gp win coming with one pass and are told that youre not allowed to go for it

i agree, but you have to allow for the political nature of team management. Ralph was leaving the team, and at the time damon was the teams future (laughs!) so i can understand EJ not wanting RS having all the glory.
mr grady
S2 licensed
What do you call a higher pressure?