sorry if im repeating what anyone else has suggested............
the Nascar racing sims had a kind of points system:
you raced with a skill level, from 0 - 10
everyone started at 0 and gained a level by how the finished in a race.
if you finished ahead of a driver 2 or more skill levels higher you were awarded 5 points, you lost 5 points if you finished below a driver 2 skill levels lower. there was more to it than just that............i just cant be arsed to type it all out!!!
the game averaged your 8 best point total of the last 10 races you did, the lowest results being dropped.
gradually you built up a skill level, noobs and wreckers rearly getting above 1 or 2, where as skilled fair racers averaged a skill level of 4,5 or 6.
my point being, when a server was started, the host could choose what skill level to set, say a server with a skill level of 3 or more meant drivers with a skill level of only 1 or 2 couldnt join.
i know it sounds complicated, but it did work.
anyway, thats my pennyworths.